Tuesday, August 14, 2012

More Real Email…

From:  James <birkenstock_ boy@umail.com>
Date:  Friday, August 10, 2012 8:12 AM
To: Unassuming Scholar <scholar@snowflake.edu>
Subject:  burning man

hi unassuming,

my name is james i will be attending your class this upcoming sumester. however my friend has given me a burning man ticket. the dates for the festival are aug 27 to semtember 4. i see that the dates conflict with the start of school. i am wondering if it is imparitve that i attend these first few days?   

please contact me back.

your student james

From:  Unassuming Scholar <scholar@snowflake.edu>
Date:  Friday, August 10, 2012 12:37 PM
Subject:  Re: burning man

Hi James,

Congratulations on scoring tickets to Burning Man.

Concerning your classroom attendance, it’s not up to me to manage your time.   However, you miss class at your own risk.  All lecture material is testable, and you cannot make up missed work except under extenuating, documented circumstances such as accident or illness.


Unassuming Scholar

From:  James <birkenstock_ boy@umail.com>
Date:  Friday, August 10, 2012 7: 28 PM
To: Unassuming Scholar <scholar@snowflake.edu>
Subject:  RE: Re: burning man

ok, cool!  i ll email you pictures from the playa!


© 2012 The Unassuming Scholar

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