Thursday, August 16, 2012

So Many Yahoos, So Few Houyhnhnms

More tragedy this week.

This time it was a gunman shooting and wounding a security guard at the Family Research Council headquarters in Washington, D.C.  The fact that the target was a right wing organization and that the assailant briefly argued with the guard over the FRC’s homophobic politics has brought out trolls of all stripes on the Yahoo! News website.

I probably shouldn’t pay attention to readers’ comments on online news items.  Too much time on my hands, I suppose, though the impending start of the fall semester will surely take care of that.  Meanwhile, I’ve uncovered a malignant trove of comments on the FRC shooting story.  A typical gem reads, “Thanks, Obama, for emboldening gays.”  Many others are simply unrepeatable. 

Several threads ask if the shooter is going to face hate crime charges, with a few comments making the risible claim that liberals are violent and should not be trusted with guns.  I also had a good laugh at the posts linking the incident with Occupy Wall Street.   True to their penchant for reductionist thinking, the wingnuts on Yahoo! have conveniently lumped their sundry liberal and progressive bugbears into a single, inchoate target for their bile.   

Rather than make a keening plea for greater civility on the Interweb, I will dig in my heels and answer back. 

A number of Yahoo! posters complained that liberal tolerance is a double standard.  It’s clear that these people equate the desire for tolerance with moral weakness or, worse, a willingness to passively suffer abuse.  (This is not a baseless claim—Jonathan Rieders’ sociological study of working class, conservative whites in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Canarsie during the 1970s found that many of them associated liberalism with masochism.)  In other words, gays and lesbians and their sympathizers should be glad to take any maltreatment their stronger, more masculine brethren dish out.  This is a dangerous assumption.  The truth is that if a particular group of people are singled out and pushed around long enough, a few of them are going to push back.  Not every member of a marginalized minority is going to subscribe to the ethos of Gandhi or King.

There is also the very strong possibility that maybe, just perhaps, the gunman wasn’t so much making a political statement as he was answering his inner demons.  I won’t speculate on what troubled the FRC assailant.  It may well be the same pathology that infected the movie theater and Sikh temple murderers.  Or, it could be something even more inscrutable.  Not every violent act has to have meaning. 

Finally, the political right has no one to blame for the erosion of civility but itself.  The so-called class war that conservative pundits accuse their opponents of waging was begun not by liberals or progressives (two distinct political species conservatives frequently conflate) but by this country’s moneyed elites.  It’s a simple matter of divide and conquer: Divert attention from substantive issues such as corporate fraud and political manipulation by scaring workers into believing that what little ground they still hold is being lost.  

The unwashed foot soldiers for the 1% are an ideologically reliable mass, unswayed by the evidence around them that the system is riddled with rot.  Instead, they worry about taxes on wealthy “job creators” who in fact export jobs and secret their wealth in the Caymans, about nonexistent plots to take their guns or drive God out of their lives, and about “illegals” and “welfare queens” receiving unearned “handouts” from government programs. 

Conservative media act as an echo chamber that amplifies popular resentments.  Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, et al., engage in agitprop to divert their audiences’ ire from its rightful targets.  It is little surprise that they have come to shape and define the political discourse, and we are all the poorer for that.  What we need in our national dialogue are more Houyhmhms and fewer Yahoos.

© 2012 The Unassuming Scholar

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