Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sad but True

From:  Brad <>

Date:  Tuesday, July 24, 2012 12:04 AM

To: Unassuming Scholar <>

Subject:  Plz read this – fall student

Hey, im going to be in your 3-hour class tuesday/thursday this fall.  I have a big problem though these last 4 classes this semester are the only ones i need and the only way i can do it is if tuesday/thursday i have a class from 530-645 at the tech center. So i took your 3 hour class knowing ill probably be a few minutes late but its the only way ill be able to get my degree. I haven't fully registered i wanted to shoot you an email to make sure this ok. I don't want my grade to be affected because of this. I take my grades very serious and am really worried it'll be affected this semester because of that. Please get back to me and let me know. I took the 3 hour class so i wont miss too much of class.

brad porter

Sent from my iPhone

From:  Unassuming Scholar <>

Date:  Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:12 AM

To: Brad <>

Subject:  Re: Plz read this – fall student


I understand your predicament and I don't want to discourage you.  However, habitual lateness to class will pose a problem as we cover a lot of material in the course and I try to make the best use of the time we have.  We will have quizzes and homework due at the start of each class meeting, and we will also do participation-based activities that are a significant part of your final grade.

I recommend you enroll in another section or defer your graduation until spring semester if there is a scheduling conflict.  Meeting with your academic advisor to go over your options may be helpful.


Unassuming Scholar

From:  Brad <>

Date:  Friday, July 27, 2012 2:22 AM

To: Unassuming Scholar <>

Subject:  RE: Re: Plz read this – fall student

So…your saying i shouldnt take your class?

Sent from my iPhone

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