Sunday, September 9, 2012

...And They're Off!

The conventions are over.  Finally.  After the quadrennial dog and pony shows from each party, we now face eight weeks of media bombardment running up to Election Day while we indulge the delusion we have something resembling a real choice.

In one corner, we have the vapid animatron and his Stepford wife whose smiles thinly veil the threat of a return to a relentless pursuit of failed supply side policies and the accelerated immiseration of American workers.

In the other corner, we have the slightly tarnished incumbent whose occasional oratorical passion helps belie the impression ice water flows in his veins and whose victory will mean only a slightly less vicious pursuit of the self-same policies.    

And if you’re already tired of it all, you still have another fifty-nine days to endure.  Just don’t forget to vote on November 6th.

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