Monday, September 10, 2012

Truth and Fiction

A couple of items from the Web today underscore the increasingly surreal blurring of truth and fiction in public affairs.

The Onion, almost always good for a morning chuckle, describes a purported speech by Obama that slightly, but only slightly, reflects the apocalyptic fears of suburban tract-house sheep concerning the President.

Meanwhile, Salon, which is marginally more serious than The Onion, features a short article which reports that 15% of Republicans in Ohio, a crucial swing state in the presidential race, actually believe Mitt Romney had more to do with Osama bin Laden’s death than President Obama.

Finally, to cap off the absurdity of this post-convention week, ABC News posted a piece  with a photo showing Joe Biden apparently snuggling against a woman biker in a diner, a real-life scene truly worthy of The Onion’s long-running parody series depicting Biden’s vice presidency.

The first Tuesday in November can’t get here fast enough.        

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